Displaying 31 - 60 of 153 in total

On Fixing Things

One aspect of optimization - which is one of my daily themes - is fixing. But sometimes you can spend time fixing when you should instead be figuring out if the fix is...

On Speed

Here’s the thing: efficiency isn’t solely about speed. I’d argue that speed is what you need to keep out of your mind as you work to become more efficient with your to...

On Pride

“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.” - Thomas Merton

On Protection

In order to craft your time and ensure you can handle the things you need and want to do on a consistent basis, you need to protect your time and attention.

On Slowness

"Slow and steady wins the race." - The Tortoise and The Hare

On Standing Out

There are plenty of ways that you can try to stand out from others. The question is...in what way do you want to be standing out?

On Notebooks

If you’ve been keeping up with me fo some time then you know that I have an affinity for notebooks.

On Measuring

“The hours of folly are measured by the clock; but of wisdom, no clock can measure.” - William Blake

On Seasons

When we think about managing our time, we often think about the days, the weeks, and months. But what about the seasons of the year?

On Deep Work

“What we choose to focus on and what we choose to ignore—plays in defining the quality of our life.” - Cal Newport, Deep Work

On Changing Gears

There's no question about it: in life you're going to need and want to change gears from time to time. But how do you do it in a way that doesn't throw you off course ...

On Waiting

‘The waiting is the hardest part.’ - Tom Petty

On Meditation

I’ve gone back and forth with meditation over the years. Not on that it should be done, but that I’ve struggled to be consistent with it.

On Quality

It's not always about how much you do, but about the quality of what you do. Yet sometimes quality can suffer in the face of the demands we have from outside forces......

On Quantity

There's this idea out there that you should do less stuff better. But what if doing that meant you actually had to add MORE to your to do list first?

On Longevity

Sometimes you just want to get through today. But you need to make sure you have a way to get through every day after that as well.

On Ego

Ego can get in the way of progress. In fact, as Ryan Holiday says it can be an enemy of that...and much more.

On Rest

Without rest and recuperation, you're going to be spinning your wheels. And that will take you nowhere...fast.

On Teaching

Stephen Covey said, "I believe in this concept that you learn by teaching." You know what? I believe in that concept as well. And I also believe that it's important to...

On Being A Night Owl

I'm a night owl and I'm proud of it. If you're a night owl then you should be too.

On Breathing

There are plenty of productivity tips you'll hear coming from me and many others. But there's one thing you can do that requires no additional tools and is something y...

On Making From Scratch

While I'm not entirely done with my discussion on integrity yet, I want to draw the association between that and making things from scratch to the forefront on this ep...

On Integrity

"With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt." - Zig Ziglar

On Tradition

Traditions can work both in your favour and against you – kind of like how The Force has both a light and dark side.

On Invisible Tasks

I've spoken about "hidden tasks" before but there's a subset of hidden tasks that can be especially deceiving...and dangerous to your productivity and progress.

On Proactivity

The word "productivity" starts with the same three letters as two words that can impact it: proactivity and procrastination.

On Help

The first of May is upon us and while that may mean one thing for fans of Jonathan Coulton (Google his name with the search term "first of May" to find out more), it m...

On Honesty

Honesty is the best policy - even when it comes to your to do list and how and where you're spending your time and attention.

On Wishes

There's a difference between a wish list and a to do list. But those differences aren't as great as you might think once you decide to invest some of your attention to...

On Heroism

I've seen the new Avengers movie. This podcast contains absolutely no spoilers but it does contain my thoughts on heroism – and "superheroism" as well.

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