The "Work by Mode" Series: Resource-Based Modes

In this second episode of The "Work by Mode" Series, I describe the category of mode-based work that you'll want to use if your to do list is driven more by the people you collaborate with, the places you work, or the things you use to do your work. The next three minutes is all about Resource-Based Modes.
If you want to know what you need to have at your disposal (or where you need to be or who you need to talk to about something) to complete a task, then Resource-Based Modes are going to be very helpful. If you use Microsoft Word a lot, then having “Word Mode” can gather all of your Word-based tasks into one mode. Same goes for Evernote. You can even create one for the biggest time suck of all: Email.

Using this mode will help you move from person to place to thing faster and with less friction. Plus you'll be able to get into that elusive state of "flow" that makes you more effective and efficient when working. 

Want to dive deeper into Mode-Based Work and get a broad overview of the elements of TimeCrafting? Then check out The Productivityist Playbook.

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